Publications about 'positive systems'
Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. D. Angeli, P. de Leenheer, and E.D. Sontag. Chemical networks with inflows and outflows: A positive linear differential inclusions approach. Biotechnology Progress, 25:632-642, 2009. [PDF] Keyword(s): biochemical networks, fluxes, differential inclusions, positive systems, Petri nets, persistence, switched systems.
    Certain mass-action kinetics models of biochemical reaction networks, although described by nonlinear differential equations, may be partially viewed as state-dependent linear time-varying systems, which in turn may be modeled by convex compact valued positive linear differential inclusions. A result is provided on asymptotic stability of such inclusions, and applied to biochemical reaction networks with inflows and outflows. Included is also a characterization of exponential stability of general homogeneous switched systems



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Last modified: Thu Jun 27 23:19:31 2024
Author: sontag.

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